Women’s Leadership Council Holding a Purse with a Purpose Handbag Drive

In the spirit of Women Helping Women, and as we celebrate Women’s History Month, United Way’s Women’s Leadership Council is launching a business handbag drive for women who need a professional-looking new purse filled with employment essentials.
“Our world has changed as we know it. Women need help and encouragement now more than ever,” said UWWP Chief Development Officer Margaret Tramontine. “We have also heard from our members of the strong desire to bring back the “Purse with a Purpose” drive. The concept is simple, yet incredibly personal, moving and, most of all, encouraging to women on the receiving end.”
The Women’s Leadership Council is collecting new, professional handbags and items for both business and women’s personal needs. Each handbag will also contain a personal note of encouragement. These items are treasured by recipients who feel beyond grateful to receive a new purse… one with a purpose!
They have taken the ‘thinking’ out of this for you. Below, click the ‘Purse with a Purpose Sign Up’ invitation where you can select and sign up for needed items. All items need to be received at UWWP headquarters, located at 336 Central Park Avenue in White Plains, by Friday, March 31, 2023. You can drop it off, order it, or have it delivered here.